The weather is forecast to become very windy the next few days so we changed our plan of going to Sarasota and just head straight to the Harborage Marina at St. Petersburg where we will leave the boat for a month. The day started out sunny, but then turned a bit foggy. Then really foggy. Guess crossing the Gulf wasn’t enough anxiety for us so we traveled all day in heavy fog. What is wrong with us? Don’t answer that.

The sun did pop out a few times during the day. One of those occasions we heard a splash along side the boat. I looked and there was a dolphin chasing us and leaping out of the water. By the time I got my camera it had dropped back a ways but was still playing with our wake and flying in the air.

Shortly after arriving at the Harborage, Ross spotted this manatee swimming along the dock. It was hard to get a decent photo so there are two so I could show you it’s tail. It's skin looked like a boulder with lichen on it. You can see the white scars on it's back where it was probably hit by a prop.


  1. The Manatees pictures bring back memories from our swim with them last winter.

  2. Great photos! Well, you've had fog and we've had a great blizzard! Although, I didn't have to be in it like you did with the fog. Now it's going to get really cold. I don't like cold or snow anymore. Take care. Eileen
