He then asks boaters in specific areas to radio in their boat name, location, and if they are headed someplace.
At the spring Rendezvous we listened to his talk about the North Channel, which is where we have been traveling. It is fun to meet him and listen in on one of the broadcast. We now have a true appreciation for what he does each morning. How he can filter out the boat name from some transmissions is amazing. Many folks have horrible radios and the static and feedback is painful to listen to.
After the broadcast we headed out toward the Benjamin Islands. Our little trio is going separate ways today. GULLWING headed to Gore Bay and RUNNING ERINS is unfortunately waiting to be pulled to learn the extent of the prop damage. But I have a strong feeling we will all cross paths again.
Many boats are anchored in here and there’s lots of
We did have a thundershower roll through and got a good drenching, but it cooled off and we had a pleasant evening. And no bugs!
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